
A dog's life

A dog's life - Very miserable life ( बहुत दयनीय जीवन )

A double-edged sword

A double-edged sword - Capable of causing harm to the other as to one's ownself ( स्वयं के रूप में दूसरे को नुकसान पहुंचाने में सक्षम )

19. A dark horse

19. A dark horse - A person suddenly coming into prominence ( अचानक प्रमुखता में आने वाला व्यक्ति )

A drop in the ocean

A drop in the ocean - Very insignificant amount ( बहुत ही नगण्य राशि )

A bull in a China shop

A bull in a China shop - Heedless destroyer ( बिना सोचे-समझे विध्वंसक )

A close shave

A close shave - A narrow escape ( एक संकीर्ण पलायन )

At one's wits' end

At one's wits' end - To be confused ( भ्रमित होना )

At one's beck and call

At one's beck and call - At one's command ( किसी के आदेश पर )

At the eleventh hour

At the eleventh hour - At the last moment ( अंतिम क्षण में )

At sixes and sevens

At sixes and sevens - In disorder ( अव्यवस्था में )

An axe to grind

An axe to grind - Some personal motive ( कुछ निजी मकसद )

At one's fingers' ends

At one's fingers' ends - To have full and ready knowledge ( पूर्ण और तैयार ज्ञान होना )

At an arm's length

At an arm's length - To keep danger or evil at a distance ( खतरे या बुराई को दूर रखने के लिए )

A blessing in disguise

A blessing in disguise  - Something intrinsically good but having a bad appearance ( कुछ आंतरिक रूप से अच्छा है लेकिन एक बुरा रूप है )